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​I offer potential students the traditional history and roots of Reiki here to give context to why I teach it as a core part of the Energy Training that I offer. 

Reiki is a spiritually-based system of working with energy whose roots are well over 2,500 years old and embody the original traditional teachings of early Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. It is the oldest known form of Reiki and the source of all other systems of Reiki, migrating from Tibet and India to Southeast Asia and China, then to Japan via Buddhist lamas and adepts.


"Usui" refers to the specific lineage of this form of Reiki, named for founder Dr. Mikao Usui, a Buddhist and Doctor of Theology who rediscovered this system from ancient texts originating from Gautama Buddha, and began sharing it with his students as a complementary therapy to address physical, emotional, and mental diseases. Sources report that Dr. Usui taught Reiki to over 2000 people during his lifetime, sixteen of whom continued their training to reach the equivalent to our Western third degree, or Master/Teacher level. 


Mrs. Hawayo Hiromi Takata, a Japanese-American born in Hawaii, helped introduce Reiki to the US by bringing it to Hawaii, where she taught until her death in 1980. ​Dr. Usui's original Reiki manuscript, found in 1994, cited the origins to be from Gautama Buddha and the Buddhist text, Tantra of the Lightning Flash. References have been made its origins being the way of healing practiced by Jesus. It is assumed, however, that Mrs. Takata created this reference to make Reiki more palatable and acceptable in the US.


​We are naturally connected to the Universal Life Force, the life-enhancing energy from which everything flows and is part of. Our perception of this connection can become weaker as the busy-ness of our external world takes precedence as "reality." All of Life flows from 'Ki,' energy - God/Creator, which creates and animates us and all living things. Its names are many. This 'Ki' is the same 'Ki" in the name "Reiki" which means Universal Life Force Energy in Japanese, is an amazing method/practice to learn to reconnect on a deeper level to the Love that is the source of all life, to navigate more gracefully the creativity and purpose of our life. Rather than being just for "hands on healing," this practice deepens our own inner awareness of the animating part of everything in our world that is always available for our well-being, the "inner well" from which our creativity flows and in the many ways that shows up for us. 

Usui Reiki is one of my core offerings because of its ancient, undiluted teachings as well as the rigorous attention to keeping intact the purity of this lineage's teaching and information. 

Connection to the spirit of life is one of life's many gifts for all of us. The deeper the connection, the easier life flows, enhancing everything positive that we already do for ourselves. For that reason, I share Reiki teachings from the perspectives of an artist, musician, writer and "healer," offering this class for all individuals, especially creatives. Everything is naturally connected to the Creative Life Force and so we share from a place of no boundaries or labels of any offering being "spiritual" or otherwise.

I hope you will join us in becoming part of this beautiful practice and lineage. 

Usui Reiki Workshop Weekend


Private Hendersonville, NC Location 

* Level I, II and III: 2024 dates and times TBA

Reiki Workshop Info

Class Particulars are below. Please read carefully before registering. 


Individual Usui Reiki Workshops:


- Level l Intro:                    $135

                                       Class time: 10:30 am-3:30 pm (approx)

- Level II Practitioner:          $225

- Level III Master/Teacher:   $300

If you miss the workshop due to illness, etc. you can attend the next scheduled workshop. Please check in and be clear on your intention before committing to attend. This prevents disruption/rescheduling of workshops with your attendance in mind. Refunds are generally not offered except for extenuating circumstances, which are considered individually.

There is room in each workshop for 6 students; a minimum of two students are needed to hold the classes. Students may order the manual, Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art, by Diane Stein, on Amazon or through Barnes and Noble. This manual goes deeply into the practice of Usui Reiki and is invaluable to learn the basics as well as go further to higher levels in your study and for teaching. For Level III, tuition includes Essential Reiki Teaching Manual, by Diane Stein.

Workshop Details:


- Tuition may be paid by credit card or cash.

- Please note registration deadlines. Tuition must be received by then.

- Credit card payments are processed via Square. When you pay by credit card, you will be taken to the Squarespace secure platform where you can complete your registration. Credit card payments are charged a $2.00 per transaction fee.

- Cash payments must be received by end of day of registration deadline. CONTACT MYRRH if you wish to pay by cash.

REFUNDS: If you are unable to attend your workshop due to illness/emergency, your tuition payment is normally applied to the next scheduled Usui Reiki Workshop that you can attend. I don't give refunds on tuition unless the class is canceled or rescheduled. Extenuating personal circumstances are considered individually.


**For info on the above, or any other questions about the workshop weekend, use the email link below, contact Myrrh HERE

Description of Each Level of Usui Reiki:

- Level I Reiki Introductory Workshop/Attunement: Introduces students to Usui Reiki. It teaches how to consciously connect to, strengthen and work with this flow of Life Force in all areas of life through the practice of Usui Reiki. This Traditional Usui Reiki teaching is the most ancient form of Reiki, over 2500 yrs old, some claim it to be the original form of energy healing. It has been passed down through a lineage originated in sacred texts written by the Buddha. 


Students receive the energetic attunement, which opens and strengthens all energy channels to a deeper awareness, clears and aligns the chakras, and thus enhances own health, well-being, intuition, personal energy and inner guidance. This beginning Level I workshop focuses on self-healing, specifically healing the physical body, and can help students more easily manage stress, ease depression and pain, and help heal physical issues. Students also receive a beautiful Reiki Certificate suitable for framing. 

- Level II Practitioner Level Workshop/Attunement: Takes students into the Practitioner Level of Reiki. Students learn the symbols for working at a higher energetic level with others, in person and by distance, and receive the Level II Usui Reiki attunement and certificate. Some have called this the "booster rocket" into advanced Reiki.

- Level III Master/Teacher Workshop/Attunement: Takes students into the advanced Master/Teacher Level of Usui Reiki. Students will receive the Master and Teacher Level certificate, attunement and will learn the advanced Master level symbols and protocols for more powerful healing, and the Teacher level symbols and process for teaching Reiki and passing attunements to their future students. Lots of time will be spent in learning advanced healing techniques and practice in passing attunements. After the class, we will share a celebratory potluck meal!

My Reiki Journey: I have gratefully studied Usui Reiki and served as a Master/Teacher since Jan, 2002. The study of Usui Reiki was and continues to be my magnificent opening and continuation into alternative healing, energy medicine, and deeper spirituality. I have had so many incredible openings and healings since I began journey. And the study of Usui Reiki is an ongoing, life-long journey. One thing I learned is that the more we let this energy "become" us, the deeper we go into the creative healing space and abilities of Source within us. When it "becomes" us, we embody healing energy for ourselves, others and Earth, just through who we are, just through intention. It becomes effortless. While I am studied and certified in many other healing modalities and practices, Usui Reiki remains my cornerstone and the most authentic energy healing modality I teach for individuals to begin their own energy healing journey and practice. I have taught Usui Reiki since 2003 and I will continue to teach it for the rest of my days.
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